faire du trampoline - translation to γαλλικά
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faire du trampoline - translation to γαλλικά

Trampolinist; Trampoline gymnastics; Trampoline gymnast; Synchronised trampoline; Synchronized trampoline
  • Double mini-trampoline in a training gym
  • Computer-assisted scoring

faire du trampoline      


¦ noun a policy of non-interference, especially abstention by governments from interfering in the workings of the free market.
laisser-faireism noun
Fr., lit. 'allow to do'.



Trampolining or trampoline gymnastics is a competitive Olympic sport in which athletes perform acrobatics while bouncing on a trampoline. In competition, these can include simple jumps in the straight, pike, tuck, or straddle position to more complex combinations of forward and/or backward somersaults and twists. Scoring is based on the difficulty and on the total seconds spent in the air. Points are deducted for bad form and horizontal displacement from the center of the bed.

Outside of the Olympics, competitions are referred to as gym sport, trampoline gymnastics, or gymnastics, which includes the events of trampoline, synchronised trampoline, double mini trampoline and tumbling.